
When Followers of Jesus Encounter Same-Sex Attraction

Laurie Krieg writes, “Same-sex attraction is my struggle, even though I am married to a wonderful, Bible-believing man. But I am not a victim to my genes or to my desires, and I have discovered the solution to my homosexual struggle isn’t heterosexuality. I have realized that the only answer is Jesus because He can fill me more than any person ever can. To me, being a Christian means depending on Jesus for anything and everything, including dealing with a struggle with same-sex attraction. He hasn’t completely cut this out of me yet, but He is always faithfully loving me and strengthening me.”


The story of God’s original plan is given in Scripture, “God created humans as physical, sexual beings (Gen. 2, 4:1) with hormones and urges to be controlled (1 Thess. 4:3-7) so that the gift of sex, as a physical and spiritual activity, would be specifically shared in marriage between husband and wife (1 Cor. 7, Heb. 13:4). But as in in every area of life, the Fall of the world effected human sexuality in many ways (Gen. 3, Rom. 1:24-27, Gal. 5:19).”

Encountering Homosexuality Around You

  • Following Jesus gives you a different perspective. Be sensitive of others who don’t see the world the way you do.
  • When you delve in and study what the Bible says about homosexuality, make sure you delve in and study what the Bible says about all sin, and especially be concerned by your own sins first.
  • Don’t judge what tempts someone else. Everyone is tempted by something – even Jesus was tempted. Take the time to understand how someone may be feeling and meet them there in a strong, encouraging manner.
  • Recognize the power of persuasion that exists in modern times and the pressure some of your loved ones may be feeling. Acting on homosexual feelings is encouraged more and more every day, and the next generation is growing up in a society that accepts and promotes it.
  • Be approachable so that others know you are safe place to dialogue about this topic. Practice communicating your beliefs in such a way that the truth isn’t compromised, but grace and love abounds.
  • Cultivate and model close, intimate, same-gender friendships that display His design for relationship without involving sexuality.

 Encountering Homosexuality Within You

  • Lean into Jesus. He is the Perfect One to give all parts of you His Healing, Restoration, Transformation, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Love, Peace, and True Relationship.
  • Gain strength from the personal accounts of this article and seek help from a grace-filled mentor or counselor who shares your Biblical beliefs.
  • Visit to read more about Laurie’s self-control over homosexuality, within the context of her journey with Jesus.
  • Be proactive and consider whether you need a purity plan for dealing with the prevailing spirit of homosexuality.

With hope,


Jen Hughes Counseling_FAQ2

Jen Hughes

I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.

May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.
