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How To Outsmart 3 Tricks Devised To Hold You Back

You’re not the only one who’s been working hard. Satan has too. And, he’s employed at least 3 evil ways to stop you from making progress. These are powerful forces being used to try to harm you, but there are ways for you to overcome.

Trick #1 Interfering With Your Study Time

He capitalizes upon effective internal and external messages to convince busy believers that consistent personal time with the Lord is unnecessary or unrealistic. 

  • Change your mindset: Jesus is your Brother (Heb. 2:11). You would make time to hang out with an imperfect earthly brother, so how much better will it be to make time to spend with a perfect Brother?
  • Make this a solid habit: Think about something you do without fail. Maybe you never miss a meal. Or you exercise every day. Maybe you wouldn’t dream of running an errand without your phone. In other words, you already have rituals that you do in a very disciplined way because you have a high desire for them. If you desire to be a man or woman who really knows your Lord, you can fit Him in with the same commitment you do any of the above.
  • Your “devotion time” doesn’t have to be your grandma’s “morning quiet time.” If you don’t want to be in a rocking chair with a giant Bible, feel free to use multiple Bible apps and sermon podcasts instead. Or you might love the idea of a prayer desk complete with Bible stickers, bright colored pens, and lots of notebooks. You could study the Word with a friend at a coffee shop. And the time you do it doesn’t have to be at 5am if you’re a night owl. Instead, you could sit at the kitchen table at midnight while the house is asleep and look up verses and write in your prayer journal, etc. Choose the location, time, and style that works for you.
  • If your phone is a major distraction, turn off notifications for an hour and be amazed at how well you can focus.

Trick #2 Wanting You To Forget About God

He empowers the culture to self-appoint itself as the authority for decision-making, so that Christian students and professionals won’t think much about God throughout the day. This too looks different for everyone, but if you’re willing to try an idea or two, you might discover just how much better you respond to daily life when He is in it.

  • Start with the tiny things. It may feel silly, but ask Him whether to dress up or stay in comfy clothes. Inquire if you should get more sleep, or get up and start the day. Talk to him about whether you will stick with football or try out for baseball, etc.
  • Pray silently before every meal – even snacks – and ask Him to guide you on whether you’ve eaten enough (or not enough), or show you if you’re eating (or not eating) for the wrong reasons.
  • Talk to Him about your interaction with people, both before and during your conversations.
  • Create a pie chart where you assign segments of your day for praise, confession, and intercession.
  • Ask others if you can share prayers together. Each day send texts to them so they can see how you are praying and you can learn from their prayers.
  • Ask for His help to know what to study and when; when to work and when to rest.
  • Turn any time outside as a chance for looking for His revelation in creation.
  • Schedule Him in your agenda such as having 1) early morning confession 2) lunch time blessing for friends 3) mid-afternoon Proverbs reading 4) evening or late night worship, etc.
  • Find something during the weekends in addition to church, such as a small group or prayer gathering; and one thing extra a month like maybe a special event worship service.
  • Listen to an audio Bible or Christian hero biography while styling your hair or on a walk.
  • Sing praise songs in the shower (studies show singing solid truths positively impacts your brain).
  • Keep your prayer list on lined sticky notes on your laptop, mirror, or steering wheel or with decorative tape in the back of your journal.
  • Make lunch plans with someone more experienced than you to hear how he/she participates with God when it comes to daily tasks.

Before you know it, you’ll start to feel His leading more and more, and eventually you’ll get to a place where you can’t imagine not receiving it.

Trick #3 Aggravating Depression/Anxiety

Every situation is different in terms of the physiological component of anxiety and depression and what treatment you best need. But there is always a spiritual event taking place that you can address along with the other tools you’re using to manage anxiety or depression. After all, the Bible warns us that anxiety can lead to depression and teaches us that a cast-down soul needs hope in God. (Prov. 12:25, Ps. 42:11)

The Lord knew you would replay all your worries, doubts and insecurities when you have too much time to think or when you lay in bed at night. That is why David models for you how to instead replay Jesus, the gospel, His faithfulness, and your everlasting hope. (Ps. 63:6)

  • Create an idea board. Pull anxious and depressed thinking out of your head and onto something visual. When you see your thoughts in front of you, it can really help you make sense of them and know how they are negatively impacting your emotions and what you want to change about your thinking. Getting a new set of thoughts into your head leads to your freedom. (Phil. 4:8)
  • Identify your mental health champion. It can be a mother, brother, sister, friend, roommate, counselor, mentor, etc.  Just make sure you have your person who knows your struggle with anxiety and depression and knows what your thoughts are telling you. Give them permission to speak in ways you may not want to hear, but will guide you into Truth and healing. (Acts 8:31)

Position yourself to succeed. If you’re interested in using any of these ideas to combat these tricky matters, print out this article and put it where you can see it every day until you have new habits established. Or make a list on your phone of the top 3 ideas you want to try.

Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Pet. 5:8)

With hope,


Jen Hughes Counseling_FAQ2

Jen Hughes

I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.

May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.
