Book Review: A Letter To My Father
Do you believe there’s a gap in the relationship between a father/son duo in your life? Do you think dads feel confused as to how to best father their sons in this modern age? The 20-year-old author (no that’s not a typo) of A Letter To My Father: What Your Son Wants To Tell You But Doesn’t wrote this book in order to communicate to fathers what sons of all ages want their fathers to know even when they don’t make it known. This would be a great resource for any father to keep on his nightstand to read and reread, even if only a few pages at a time. This book written by Canadian, Isaac Mogilevsky, could help dads everywhere maintain focus and intentionality for a lifetime of being a father.
Features of this Book
- Thirteen short, direct letters from a son to his father
- Insights into how a son is thinking when his actions make no sense
- Understanding what your son may be thinking/feeling/experiencing but needs you to pull out of him
- Examples of what to say to your son even when he doesn’t know how to express what he’s feeling/thinking
- Reminders of the lies you may have believed about your father that your son is now believing about you, and how to speak truth
- Validation that he’s not always telling you the truth or treating you as you’d like, but how to not overreact and keep going anyway
- Updates on cultural messages your son is receiving that minimize your relationship
- Honest statements about the differences between the world you grew up in and the world your son is growing up in, and how to be effective
- Ways to see the good behind some of the hard behaviors and to promote growth, success, and wisdom
- Ideas for demonstrating the care of the Father by the way you’re there for your son
- Tips for effective communication in difficult seasons
- Advice for not pushing your son away and instead dealing with touchy emotions
- Encouragement for hard, awkward conversations and for when your son doesn’t respond the way you wish he would
- Suggestions for important phrases to speak regularly to your son
- Motivations for creating father-son teamwork, guiding a healthy work ethic, and growing in courage together
- Confessions of common temptations for all men and ways to overcome
- Ways to live out a Biblical worldview and be used by God in your son’s life and for his spiritual growth
- Considerations for how this relationship is stretching you as well
- Recommendations for connecting with a son, even when you don’t understand him or his interests
- Support for waiting well on a son to return to you and your relationship
- Discussion ideas to remain relatable and continuously invest in one of the most important relationships you’ll ever have
- Comforts that you have the ongoing presence of the heavenly Father with you and your son
Where to Find This Book
Click here or here to purchase the book. It could be a great Christmas gift for the special dad in your life.
Prayer & Blessing
He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. (Malachi 4:6)
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.