Book Review: Surviving Religion 101… Keeping the Faith in College
Michael J. Kruger’s Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College is written by a dad (who happens to have a PhD in theology from the University of Edinburgh) to his daughter as she goes off to a secular university. This very well-written, Biblically solid book would be a great read for parents who have already dropped students off at college this fall and want to have informed answers when those questions arise. Or, this could be a great resource for families who are preparing to send students off to college in the next year or two and would like something in advance to read together. Finally, another idea is to give the book to your student to keep on campus to refer to as topics come up.
Book Overview
Each chapter is in the form of a written letter based on a contemporary topic and is robust while not overly long. It’s impressive how this dad/seminary professor/author funnels each incredibly complex subject into a simple, practical read! He references classic Christian authors along with modern cultural references to help explain the Biblical position in a respectful, calm manner. Finally, at the end of each chapter, he provides a very brief summary in order to encourage the heart of his young adult daughter and his readers.
Included in this Book
- A balanced approach to take the situation seriously, without looking for the worst around every corner.
- Humble reminders of the impact of each person’s worldview.
- Clear and helpful answers to: a) arguments often made against Christian beliefs and Christian believers, and b) common concerns among the next generation, such as:
- How can Christianity be the only right religion?
- My values are viewed as intolerant.
- Are we sure that homosexuality is wrong?
- The concept of Hell seems barbaric and cruel.
- Why does God allow so much evil?
- Doesn’t science offer better answers?
- Does the Bible oppress women?
- It’s getting harder to believe.
- How do we know we can trust the Bible?
- My professor keeps pointing out contradictions in the Bible.
- Etc.
- A short and excellent section on the various kinds of doubts Christians have, what these doubts actually mean, why we have doubts, and how to respond to experiences of doubt.
Prayer & Blessing
As Jesus Himself declared, “I came – that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.