Book Review: Turning of Days
A collection of short essays, Turning of Days: Lessons from Nature, Season, and Spirit, appears to be written expressly for nature enthusiasts or artists, but is actually ideal for 1) anyone who needs an alternative activity to their cell phone and 2) anyone who wants to better understand specifically how God is revealing Himself in creation. This recent release by Hannah Anderson seems to be divine timing given the drawbacks to the technology age and the world’s collective deficit of knowledge about the Creator. As you make goals for summer, you may want to incorporate this book as a resource and inspiration for yourself, or even as a summer reading assignment for your older kids and teens. Best of all, this book may spark you to gather with loved ones in order to find the Maker in His creation in ways you’ve never done before.

How This Book Might Help You or Your Family
Health Benefits of Being Outdoors
- Hannah Anderson writes from her home in the mountains of Virginia, but she promotes a sensory, pensive lifestyle that more deeply explores nature and the seasons no matter where you live or what your natural options are.
- This essayist’s descriptive writing style and her husband’s simple yet realistic illustrations beckon you to appreciate how plants, creatures, and the earth can shape your perspective to align with the Creator’s. And she models the humility gained in realizing just how little we know, understand, and produce on our own.
- Allowing yourself to be persuaded by this sister in Christ to press into the unknowns of nature can help recalibrate your busy or anxious brain into a more worshipful, calm mind.
- Residents of this world of constant stimulation and instant gratification can struggle to cultivate patience. But this thought-provoking storyteller lifts out the ways nature serves as an aid for God’s children to learn how to wait again.
- You’ll be reminded how routines, habits, and comforts can keep humans stagnant, while unpredictable experiences in nature can increase meaningful reflection that leads to courage, self-discipline, and change.
- Anderson and her family take their own advice of spending extended time in nature, and it blesses the reader to see the beneficial bond that can be formed with God and His Word by doing so.
Practicing Finding the God of the Bible in Natural Revelation
- As this “scientist” efficiently reports the intricate data of her “outdoor lab studies”, she helps you see how God reveals Himself and His will in the rhythm and order of the natural world.
- Also, as your “nature tutor”, Hannah is able to draw parallels between what Jesus teaches in Scripture with what she is observing day-in and day-out in His creation.
- Through her personal tales and Scripture references, you’ll be reminded to see the hardships of the natural world as an opportunity to regard human suffering through God’s heart, and to find hope that comes from the same Source.
- As you read about Hannah’s view of and interactions with nature, capturing the details God has worked into His natural creation, your eyesight will be sharpened for such details He’s working in your life as well.
- In this relaxing read, His attributes in caring for the lilies, birds, and insects will acquaint you with His character for caring for you, His Kingdom, and His glory.
- Being up close and personal with your lack of control over nature is a truth-filled reminder of the good God who is always in control.

Prayer & Blessing
O Lord my God, You are very great … You who laid the foundations of the earth … He waters the hills from His upper chambers; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works. He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man … The trees of the Lord are full of sap … He appointed the moon for seasons, the sun knows it’s going down … The earth is full of Your possessions, living things both small and great … may the Lord rejoice in His works … Bless the Lord, O my soul! (Psalm 104)
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.