Depression & Mood
A favorite beverage or sweet treat can sound comforting when I’m feeling stressed, weary, or hurt, but these delicious blessings lose their rightful place when used to medicate or sedate rather than to glorify. I’m better served to honorably enjoy God’s gifts of culinary delights after I’ve disciplined myself spiritually and emotionally. One such soul-care…
Read MoreHurt, loss, illness, circumstances, exhaustion, and so many other things can bring you to an utter halt. You may be aware of activities that would bring you purpose and joy again, but they feel out of reach. There are “down-and-out” examples in Scripture too. Sold into slavery, Joseph found energy to continue personal growth as…
Read MoreSometimes my thoughts can be time and energy wasters. Since my thoughts are in my brain and my brain is in my body, the commands to a) “present my body as an acceptable sacrifice to God” and b) “be transformed by the renewing of my mind” (Romans 12:1-2) provide a solution for these non-productive thoughts.…
Read MoreIn the previous four articles of this series, we looked at having good goals for your physical well-being, and now we’ll take a look at your mental health. During your summer schedule, some of you will be experiencing less anxiety (stress, physical tension, worry, nagging thoughts that won’t leave you alone) or less depression (lethargy,…
Read MoreYou may be feeling dismayed by current events and the state of the world, questioning if you know the best ways to respond, or wondering what else you can do. This article 1) aims to reassure you of the distinctive, hope-filled action that Christians are encouraged to take and 2) offers ideas to get you…
Read MoreKids and teens are telling parents they’re depressed. Teachers are observing it in students. Husbands and wives are encouraging one another to get help. Doctors are booked out for weeks and months, and advertisers are promoting medicine for all sorts of mood disorders. And of course the topic is all over social media. These frequent…
Read MoreThe explanations for depression are multi-faceted and it would be harmful to ever assume one cause or suggest one solution. For example, circumstantial depression often improves once grief is processed, situations change, or trauma work has been done. Other incidences of depression are known to be well-treated and customized for each individual by implementing various…
Read MoreBeing bored isn’t really about having nothing to do. When you’re bored, you feel dull. When you’re bored, you don’t feel like doing much of anything and it’s hard to be motivated either internally or externally. Or you may fit into the category of people who chronically struggle with boredom in situations that aren’t stimulating…
Read MoreNot all darkness is the same. In a simple sense, darkness is nighttime (no sunlight). And to a dangerous extreme, darkness is evil. The topic of darkness presented in this article is not about evil; rather it’s about a light-less sensation people can experience during certain seasons of their lives. It can be described as…
Read MoreThere are benefits to grieving, even when no one has died. In fact, one of the reasons you may struggle with feeling moody is you’re mourning losses, perhaps without realizing it. “At the end of mirth may be grief.” (Prov. 14:13b) Identifying Something As A Loss You can probably think of a notable loss you’ve…
Read MoreFrom, Jen
I hope this blog is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to the Lord through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is very difficult.