Feeling Helpless, Discouraged, or even a little Hopeless?
You may be feeling dismayed by current events and the state of the world, questioning if you know the best ways to respond, or wondering what else you can do. This article 1) aims to reassure you of the distinctive, hope-filled action that Christians are encouraged to take and 2) offers ideas to get you jump-started, as the Holy Spirit leads and empowers.
Please note: This article is not a comprehensive answer to those of you who are dealing with highly stressful matters at this present time, such as significant financial strain, all-consuming concerns about a loved one, or painful mental, physical, or relational health issues constantly impacting your mood and function. If any of these hardships describe you, please secure a team in place for support and guidance (click here for more information), knowing that this article will not cover everything you’re facing right now.
But if you’re fed up and feeling ready to fight the negativity and depression that’s hovering all around, there are answers and solutions.
Biblical Foundation
Because you belong to God’s Kingdom – to the church and not to the world – you have a good reason for a heavenly perspective regarding a material world pandemic and the culture’s moral decline. Consider memorizing or writing out and displaying Biblical passages to help you practice the art of grasping heaven while living on earth. Here are a few to get you started:
- Nehemiah 9:19, John 14:16, Colossians 3:2 – No matter how bad things become, He’s faithful to be ever-present with His people and always beckoning you to gaze your eyes upward.
- Isaiah 35, Joel 2:12-13 & Revelation 12:11– Just as He’s allowed for you to repent and turn to Him, He’s still patiently waiting and calling more to believe in Him and inviting you to help Him build His Kingdom for eternity.
- Psalms 13-14 & Revelation 21-22 – He has already dealt with, is continuing to deal with, and will finish dealing with all evil that is in and around His people and His church until it is no more.
- Zechariah 8 & Revelation 2:7 – He’s excitedly preparing your future paradise where you get to see His face, there’s no sin, and those who overcome live happily ever after.

Practical Application
Examine the following categories to see which ones speak to your heart and where Jesus might be calling you to shine His light. His Spirit within you will give you the creativity you need to follow through in your unique style.
Participate in Receiving & Giving Comfort
- It’s good and necessary to productively mourn over sin and disorder. Click here for a book review on learning the Biblical art of lamenting. Meet with Him in a quiet, “secret” place and let Him minister to you and comfort you first so you can comfort others. (1 Kings 19:4-8, Psalm 91:1, Matthew 4:11, 6:6, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
- As tempting as it is to express complaint over matters at hand, practice testifying for others what He’s done in the church’s history, your past, and what He promises to do in the future. Not only will praising Him make your mind healthier, but the minds of those in your community as well.
- Replace fretting with studying Jesus in Scripture. The secular world takes notice when Christians have understanding, wisdom, faithfulness, and are flourishing in Christ, especially in the midst of draining circumstances.

Participate in Redeeming What’s Lost
Anywhere you see absence of – beauty, honor, holiness, order, or another Biblical truth – do something to put it back! Just a few examples are:
- When you learn about gender being attacked, acknowledge and display your feminine or masculine traits as much as appropriately possible.
- When you hear God’s designed order for human relationships being mocked, look within your own covenant marriage and ask if you’re respecting your head of home or cherishing your bride. Prioritize relationships above your preferences and above your schedule. Rather than thinking so much about how you can feel better or be treated better, think on how you can love better.
- When you see children or the elderly being disrespected and unappreciated, go out of your way to adore and nurture the youth and seniors in your life.
- As you encourage more devotion to the Truth and bravery to be different, be a safe place for your courageous loved ones to rebound when they’re weary so they can do even more.
- Where you notice ugliness, be the one to restore glimpses of beauty. Think about small yet significant ways to deposit beauty into your world. The beautiful Creator will give you the most glorious ideas for this. The more you do it, the more promptings you’ll receive from Him to bring even more beauty into your life and the lives of others.
- When you experience sadness, join some singing already taking place on the radio, in church, etc., or initiate a song in your home or for another person who needs cheering up.
“Shout, you lower parts of the earth; break forth into singing, you mountains, O forest, and every tree in it! For the Lord has redeemed Jacob, and glorified Himself in Israel.” (Is. 44:23)

Participate in Fellowshipping in the Holy Spirit
God freed the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, yet they became so pessimistic about their hard circumstances they wished they had never even left Egypt! It’s so tempting to look down on the Israelites for their grumbling and complaining in the wilderness. What it must have been like to live with them!
But what’s it like to live with you? How bad is your attitude right now? Periodically put yourself in the shoes of your family and friends and examine if you’re acting more like an ungrateful Israelite than a freed saint. Humbly submit to the Spirit so He can produce His fruits (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.) in you. (Deuteronomy 33:3, Numbers 14:2, Acts 9:31, Galatians 5:22, Philippians 2:14)
Participate in Taking Ground Back from Satan
God has a pattern of allowing Satan to roam and even be harmful – all within His control, for His good purposes, and for our best future and relationship with Him. Increase the amount of time you’re studying the Savior, humbly repenting for your personally sinful ways, focusing on His character and redemption at work in you, and obeying Him in resurrection power. And watch God thrust Satan back from your heart and His mission for His people. (Job 1: 6, Isaiah 54, Joel 2:25-32, Matthew 4:1, Ephesians 1:19, Philippians 4:8, 1 John 2:14)

Prayer & Blessing
“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locus has eaten…Praise the Name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame…whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved…there shall be deliverance…among the remnant whom the Lord calls.” (Joel 2:25, 26, 32)
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.