![rest for spirit rest for spirit](https://jenhughescounseling.com/wp-content/uploads/rest-for-spirit-200x300.jpeg)
Finding Rest In and For your Spirit
Have you ever wondered about the meaning of the phrase: rest in the Lord? Your spirit is your inner life in relation to God and it can be either a rested or an unrested spirit. Two 1924 Olympians, Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams, provide a good contrasting example. Harold Abrahams was said to be weary even when he rested; whereas Eric Liddell was rested even when exerting himself. One was rested in spirit, and one was not. In this third installment of a series of articles on rest (click here for previous articles), you’ll learn some ways to tighten your link to Jesus which will refresh your spirit.
Resting your spirit day-to-day
So, what happens when your soul is saved but your spirit is starving or feels like it’s been wrangled to the ground? As with anything else important, having a rested spirit requires a devotion to it. (Jude 1:20)
The following truths and tips will help you put into practice a commitment to having a rested spirit and going to the right Source.
Word of God
The Word of God completely speaks to the human spirit and what it needs. (Psalm 119:116, John 1:1-5,, Philippians 4:19)
Practical Application Ideas
- Depending upon your age, gender, gifting, temperament, and season of life, how you spend time in the Word may vary, but use your unique form of self-discipline to increase your desire to seek and find rest through Scripture.
- Don’t go to social media to learn what the Bible teaches. Read it or listen to it for yourself just as you have to eat and exercise for yourself.
- Ask a trustworthy loved one to tell you specific instances in which he/she sees the Word of God transforming you and leading you to rest in it.
Many of you are parents or have desk jobs, and you might think getting outside is what you tell the kids to do or what you see secular naturists do. But, God reveals Himself and the Truth in nature and He calls everyone to go and see. (Psalm 19:1-6; 24:1)
Practical Application Ideas
- Don’t let the weather keep you inside. Modern outdoor wear does the job!
- Consider taking your bible and notebook outdoors and read aloud passages such as Psalm 8 and 19, Job 38 and 39, or illustrate and praise through what you see.
- Schedule time in nature not just for physical health, but for spiritual rest. Literally put it on your calendar. In nature, His Spirit will meet with your spirit and give you rest there in His splendor.
(Another) Truth
God’s natural design for distinctive maleness and distinctive femaleness is very good. Thus, there is a restfulness and relief that comes with embracing and celebrating your created being as either male or female. (Genesis 1:27, Proverbs 31:10-11, Ephesians 5:22-32)
(More) Practical Application Ideas
- Women, ask God to show you how you can grow in respecting and encouraging the strength of the fathers, husbands, and brothers in your life and notice how that gives you a new level of security and rest in the mightiness of them and the Lord.
- Men, seek to cherish the beauty and nurturing ways of the mothers, wives, and sisters in your life and appreciate how that softens your strength and improves your relationships, leading to a calmer rest of your spirit.
Create with the Creator
As image bearers of the Creator, we’re made to create. This doesn’t mean you have to be artistically talented, but it means using your imagination in vast glorifying and others-focused ways that bring amazing restoration to human bodies and spirits. (Genesis 1:28, Exodus 31:3-5, Luke 7:36-50)
Practical Application Ideas
- It’s hard to hold tension in your body when you’re rejoicing, moving, and creating. Sing aloud, praise, laugh, play, engage, make something, share something, and be affectionate. (Psalm 81, 150, Romans 12:10, 16:16)
- Put a sticky note on your computer screen or TV that says: Wait – can I do something creative or imaginative or work with my hands to find rest and serve others instead of watching something on this screen?
Take Everything Up with God by Prayer
Join the crowd of saints who had to pray for a rested spirit. David had to plead with God, rehearse His faithfulness, and sing His praises to get his spirit aright time and time again. Daniel and Elijah needed angels to come down from heaven to give them recovery. (Psalm 18, 1 Kings 19:5, Daniel 10:18)
Practical Application Ideas
- Before you have time to start engaging with incoming thoughts each morning, start thinking prayers instead.
- Write your prayers or say them aloud so you can’t get as distracted and stop praying.
- Turn Scripture passages into prayers for yourself first, and then for others. A few good ones to start with are: Psalm 51, Matthew 5, Romans 12, Ephesians 1:16-23, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 and the book of James.
- When you catch yourself obsessing, ask God to give you what He wants engrained in your mind and then turn it to prayer. (Stay tuned for more in an upcoming article on resting your mind…)
Grace-Based Performance
Performing while ignoring the need for grace is disastrous. For example:
- Doing all your work by your own strength leads to burn out.
- Feeling guilty if you’re not producing at all times leads to stress, health issues, and conflict.
- Not resting in how the Creator made you is also a type of striving that can lead to self-destructive habits.
- Trying to please everyone all the time leads to relationship struggles.
- Perfectionism is not compatible with the gospel and pushes Jesus away.
Practical Application Ideas
- Living by grace is the restful lifestyle of a Christian. Don’t live as if Jesus didn’t already fulfill all the laws that you cannot. (Romans 8:1-4)
- Next time you mess up at work or in a relationship, remind yourself that He could have stopped you, but He didn’t. So, what did He want you to learn and what is He leading you and empowering you to do next? Then you can find rest in how He’s working in your spirit and in your life. (Psalm 95, 127:1; Ephesians 1:19, Colossians 1:20)
- Don’t be thankful without an object for your gratitude like the world teaches, as if you can just have gratitude to nothingness. Rather, be thankful to the Lord. Giving over your attitudes and behaviors to Him truly is restorative for you spiritually and allows you to rest in His grace. (Psalm 16)
More to Come about Rest
In future articles, you’ll find encouragement in how to find rest for your mind, body, and feelings, and even for finding rest in your relationships and your work.
Prayer & Blessing
I am poor and needy yet the Lord thinks upon me…blessed are the poor (humble) in spirit…(Ps. 40:17a, Matthew 5:3)
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.