
Godly Help for Resisting Porn, Part 2

In yesterday’s part-1 article (click here), you were invited to contemplate how your view of Scripture determines how much you (or a loved one) is benefitting from using the Bible as a significant tool in the battle against porn. Even the very descriptors of God’s Word prove the impact it can have. As you begin to read part 2 of this series, continue to remember the value of Scripture, and hold high the character of Christ as you’re asked to improve your direction and your goals.

What You Pursue Makes a Difference

Just “trying harder” and relying on your own will power is not sufficient for resisting porn. Instead, commit to the following list of holy pursuits to lead you to success.

Pursue Christ as Friend

When porn has become your arch enemy, you can pursue your perfect Friend. He is there for you in a tangible, visual way:

The wicked (porn) comes against me to eat up my flesh, an army (porn) is encamped against me … but I will seek the Lord, the Strength of my life … He will hide me. He will lift my head high above the enemies (impure temptations) all around me … He will lead me in a smooth path and will not hand me over to the will of my adversaries (porn) … I would lose heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (today) … I will wait on the Lord (not looking to see porn, but expecting to see Him today) … and He shall strengthen my heart. (Ps. 27)

Pursue Forgiveness

Allow Jesus to permeate you with His forgiveness (so you can receive it for yourself and for others) while understanding that unforgiveness is an aid in the Enemy’s continued strategy against you. The more unforgiveness, shame, or bitterness you feel, the more vulnerable you are to remaining stuck in bondage to porn. Remaining in guilt is a trick of the devil. Don’t fall for it! Choose to believe the Gospel every hour, every day. You can receive Christ’s forgiveness and be freed. (2 Cor. 2:10-11)

You have confessed your sins to and received forgiveness from the God who surrounds you with songs of deliverance. Don’t stubbornly remain in your old ways, but let Him instruct you, repeatedly place trust in Him, and praise Him with joy for these things. (Ps. 32)

Pursue His Commandments

Go after healing, grace, peace, holiness, surrender of bitterness, and repentance, receiving a kingdom in which you may serve and obey God acceptably with reverence and awe. (Heb. 12:12-17; 25-28)

Don’t allow obsessive, self-serving thoughts to consume your time. Instead, be preoccupied with following God’s ways and trusting Him to make you more like Christ.

Pursue the Excellence of Wisdom

While the world is trying to convince you to prioritize status and money, the Bible devotes multiple chapters to the significance of having wisdom.

Truly, nothing else you could ever dream of having is even comparable to desiring wisdom. With wisdom comes strength and honor. (Prov. 8:11, 14, 18)

Specifically seek wisdom every single day, and you’ll obtain the favor of God and the life you were created to have. (Prov. 8:34-36)

Pursue the Internal “New Man”

Yes, you still have a sin nature, but your “old man” (all that you were before you believed in Christ) is dead to the bondage of sin, and your “new man” (who you are now) is free from the former enslavement to sin. (Rom 6:5-11)

Determine each day for your “new man” to walk by His Spirit in you rather than by the flesh (“old man”) within. Before you get out of bed each morning, and even throughout the day, put the burden on Him to lead and provide the power to walk with godliness. (Rom. 8)

If you need to, place notes around your house or have someone remind you every day to pursue these crucial liberators: Christ as Savior, Christ as Friend, Christ as Forgiveness, Christ in the commandments, Christ as Wisdom, and Christ as the Creator of your “new man.”

Pursue Better Speech

Perhaps you make self-justifying comments in your own defense, or out of your desire for others to know the common temptation and modern-day approval of porn. Such comments could be weakening your resolve and promoting a greedy and perverse path that robs you of a vibrant life. (Judges 17:6, Prov. 1:15, 19; 15:4)

Porn is not normal nor does it have a trace of merit. Porn and everything about it is a stronghold from the enemy. Remind yourself and Satan that your smallest thoughts, words, and deeds in the domain of porn are not befitting of someone serving a Holy God, and by the might of the Lord such strongholds need pulling down and replacing. (2 Cor. 10:3-6)

Perhaps you whisper self-condemning comments under your breath or construct personal vows with yourself to make your punishment permanent. Don’t allow your past misconduct to prevent you from partaking in the gospel of Jesus Christ. He died and rose again so every believer could be an overcomer of any path-blocking sin. Have you asked Him what His will is for you as a porn-fighter? Don’t assume, especially from a place of feeling undeserving, that you know how He will lead and what He has chosen for you moving forward. (Rom. 8:1; Js. 4:15-17)

Make your speech agree with His speech.

Prayer & Blessing

“… what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God … When He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” (1 Jn. 3:1-3)

A Note about Tomorrow’s Article

In tomorrow’s part 3 article, you’ll spend time getting to the heart of the matter behind your struggles. In the meantime, you could review the characteristics of Scripture explained in part 1, and then pick one new goal you learned from today’s article and start practicing it.

With hope,


Jen Hughes Counseling_FAQ2

Jen Hughes

I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.

May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.
