
Going Deeper With God, The Holy Spirit

If you are a Believer, the Holy Spirit resides in your heart. And while you know that, how well do you know Him? (Jn. 14:17)  Go deeper to get to know the Holy Spirit better, and you’ll be amazed at how adventurous, creative, and exhilarating your faith can become.

Let The Spirit Be The Next Person You Get To Know Better

“For He lives with you and will be in you.” (Jn. 14:17b). Think back to another time in your life when you wanted to get to know someone. You spent time with them and asked them questions. The Holy Spirit is not some mere mystical wind that blows on a whim; He is a legitimate member of the Godhead. To know God includes knowing His Holy Spirit. (see Jn. 15:26)

Let The Spirit Give You More Freedom

“If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law” (Gal. 5:18). Let the magnitude of this verse sink in and relax your soul in a way that it’s never felt before. If you walk in step with the Holy Spirit instead of being led by your human nature, you won’t have to work so hard to do the right thing, or you won’t have to work so hard to pretend that you don’t care about doing the right thing. Rather, the right things will be done through you. (Gal. 5:16-25)

Let The Spirit Counsel You

“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit…will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (Jn. 14:26b). You don’t have to be worried about what might happen if you tune in to the Holy Spirit; He will make you feel so glad you did. He will give you wisdom and insight beyond your intellectual means (Dan. 5:11), produce fruit in you (Gal. 5:22)provide you with the words to say (Mk. 13:11), reveal God’s specific plan to you (Luke 2:26) and enable you to see Jesus (Acts 7:55). And when you are feeling weak, weary, or pathetic, surrendering to the Holy Spirit provides you with His power to overcome sin and be guided into holiness. (Gal. 5:24)

Let The Spirit Bring You Forth

“The Spirit gives life.” (Jn. 6:63). By the Holy Spirit you will actually be more true to yourself than you’ve ever been. The same Spirit who gave you eternal life (Jn. 3:6; Rom. 8:11; Titus 3:5) will distribute gifts to you according to His Will (Heb. 2:4). Through the Holy Spirit you’ll grasp your great mission of making disciples (Mt. 28:19; Acts 1:8), you’ll be taught everything you need to know to live your life (Jn. 14:26), He’ll guide you into all Truth (Jn 16:13), energize you (Col. 1:29), give you your own flock to oversee (Acts 20:28), and enable you to do great things for them (Jn. 14:12). Be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18b) and see how you come to life.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of The Holy Spirit. (Rom. 15:13)

With hope,


Jen Hughes Counseling_FAQ2

Jen Hughes

I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.

May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.
