The Least-Known Remedy for Anxiety
You won’t read about this anxiety-fighting tool in most online articles, and your friends probably aren’t talking about it either. It’s quite possibly the solution that requires the biggest sacrifice on your part; yet will bring the greatest results. You can get started right now by answering this question: What immediately comes to mind that gives you anxiety?
Is it school? A struggling loved one? A difficult relationship? Finances? Your athletic goals? A health problem? Work problems? Issues with weight? Parenting failures? Your schedule? Getting that job or internship? All of the above?
Whatever gives you the greatest anxiety is what you most highly value.
Now simply imagine holding something in your hands that represents this meaningful cause of anxiety. Maybe it’s a picture of a child, your name on the roster, a report card, your briefcase, etc. If you’re a tactile learner, it may be good to actually hold a related object in your hands. Let this moment and activity represent the tight grip you have on this source of anxiety. Curl your fingers tightly around it to symbolize the actions you’ve taken to protect this thing or person that matters so much to you. You may even feel every fiber of your body tighten up just to think about how important this is and why you even believe you need to worry and feel anxious about it.
What you have just discovered is that your responsibility has morphed into lordship. You aren’t wrong to care deeply and work responsibly. But when you hold onto your values so tightly that you’re operating as if you’re sovereign, then you create significant anxiety for yourself and can even begin to lose your understanding of reality. You aren’t the only one; it’s a common struggle in the modern society.
So, the antidote or underwhelming solution is to hold loosely whatever is giving you all this stress. Go ahead, start loosening your fingers. Let your muscles relax. Let the item rest very lightly on your hands. You’re not going to let it fall completely from your hands – you still have responsibility to pray, care, and work hard. But by holding it loosely in your hands, you’re telling God you believe He is the One in control of all things. You’re acknowledging the proper order of things – with you as human, and Him as God. And you’ll grow in your ability to trust Him with what means so much to you, too.
This is not a one-and-done activity. Depending on the weight and degree of anxiety, you may need to declare loose hands every single morning.
“Lord, I’m so concerned about this child, but I hold her loosely in my hands because only You can change her heart.” (Prov. 21:1)
“Jesus, I can’t imagine how terrible I will feel about myself if I don’t get into this school, but I hold (_________) loosely in my hands because you have something in store for me that is better than I am imagining or asking. (Eph. 3:20)
“God, I can’t stand to think of life without this person in it, but I hold this relationship loosely in my hands because you take care of my need to be in relationship with others.” (Ps.68:6)
“God, this career/team/job is so amazing and it feels cruel to think you would take it away from me. But I hold this dream loosely in my hands because I will remember my feelings aren’t truth and you are good and all-knowing.” (Job 1:21, Rom. 8:32)
To fight anxiety by holding loosely your valuable concerns may seem over-simplified and unrealistic; but surrender for a while and see how the one true God honors your act of worship, lowers your anxiety, and teaches you how to rest in His control.
“For not even a sparrow falls to the ground outside of My will.” (Mt. 10:29)
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.