Qualifying my Soul (Just in time for Easter)
We launched this Lenten season with an endeavor to qualify our bodies to spiritually prepare for Easter. Because when we qualify our bodies, and then our souls, we become fit for life (Job 7:15), and can experience peace, sanctification, holiness, and wholeness from God (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24). Whether or not you’ve engaged in any sort of physical Lenten sacrifice, you could add to any existing sacrifices and do some soul work exploring any of the following possibilities. (The below suggestions cover a wide range of resources suitable for a variety of readership. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to know which is right for your personal Christian beliefs): 1) Read God’s Word and be revived (Psalm 119:25). 2) Make a confession through Psalm 51, or confess your sins to another believer or to a priest, and experience forgiveness and healing (James 5:16, 1 John 1:9). 3) Use the book, The Bondage Breaker to experience freedom from bondage. 4) Work through Questions for the Heart or Counterfeits to the Fruits of the Spirit to discern virtues the Holy Spirit is developing in you. 4) Join a recovery group at your local church and practice sharing and being held accountable for unhealthy patterns. 5) Do a Google search using terms such as “examination of conscience,” “sin lists,” “deeds of the flesh,” or “the spiritual discipline of confession.” As we do any of these things, He will keep our souls and not allow our feet to be moved (Psalm 66:9).
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.