reading together

Reading Ideas for Families

Parents often ask for recommendations for devotionals, Christian books, and Bible selections for kids and teens. While this list is certainly not all-inclusive, it includes some great recommendations and will hopefully spark some great ideas for you.

Bob Schultz Series

With titles such as Boyhood and Beyond and Created for Work, this former carpenter combined experience, wisdom, and effective storytelling to encourage young men to rise to the standards God desires for manhood. These four books are suitable for upper elementary/middle school/early high school ages. Girls can enjoy these books just as much. A few questions are provided at the end of each chapter making them great read-aloud books for the whole family too.

Viking Quest Series

These five historical-fiction books would be a wonderful series for your middle school daughters to plunge into. These stories are set in 900’s Ireland, but the themes are timeless: trusting God, forgiveness, freedom, courage, honor, faith, spiritual warfare, and Christian witness.

Bibles For Families

No modern home is complete without The Jesus Storybook Bible (also read and re-read by many adults); and in addition, check out the vast on-line offering of Journaling Bibles and Coloring Bibles for even more interactive study of Scripture for children, teens, and adults.

For The Youngest Ones

Big Theology for Little Hearts is a board book series you can consider, and The Good News For Little Hearts is another young reader series written by highly reputable Christian counselors.

 Devotionals For All Ages

It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to devotionals. Try taking into account age, personality, and themes to help you narrow down your choices. It can also be helpful to read the bios of authors to make sure you agree with the lessons that will be presented. Once you narrow some choices down, you can give your children ownership by asking them to choose from your finalists or do their own research plus receiving your final approval. Finally, teens can ask around for popular online devotional apps and you can offer to help them land on the best one for them.

Or check out this review of #Truth by Josh McDowell for a great book option.

Janet & Geoff Benge Christian Heroes Books

These inspiring adventures are available not only as paper books, but as audio books if you’re looking for that option. Suitable for ages 10 and up (adults find them fascinating too), your family will be greatly impacted after being introduced to the lives of men and women who followed hard after God and were used by Him to serve and save so many. Maybe even consider investing in the entire collection – it makes a very special home library shelf!

Sally Michael’s Youth Resources

Books such as God’s Battle, God’s Promise, and God’s Providence, all written by the co-founder of the Children Desiring God ministry, are intended to bring robust Biblical teaching to your elementary-aged children, but are deep enough to hold the attention of older ones as well. Teens and adults can also use these books to fill in gaps in their knowledge and to become more in awe of the Lord. In this stressful world that sometimes leaves parents with very little energy or confidence to explain Scripture, or to sit at the foot of Jesus, these books could not be more needed. Highly recommended!

R.C. Sproul’s Children’s Books

Beautifully illustrated and thoughtfully written, pastor and editor, Dr. R.C. Sproul published a number of books that reach a broad age range and make beautiful gifts for children and families. Though he passed away just a few years ago, another generation would be greatly blessed to continue learning from this wise teacher.

Good Websites For More Options

Westminster BooksChildren Desiring God and Focus on the Family.

One More Tip

Yes, it’s great when kids read books and the Bible on their own.  It’s also very special and powerful when the Word of God and books about the Word of God are read out loud during family time. In a time when families are looking for fresh ideas, you’ll never regret adding this new habit of Scripture and Truth being read over your family members. And while you’re at it, don’t forget praying out loud together!

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Prov. 1:7)

With hope,


Jen Hughes Counseling_FAQ2

Jen Hughes

I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.

May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.
