Sing, then Drink and Feast
A favorite beverage or sweet treat can sound comforting when I’m feeling stressed, weary, or hurt, but these delicious blessings lose their rightful place when used to medicate or sedate rather than to glorify. I’m better served to honorably enjoy God’s gifts of culinary delights after I’ve disciplined myself spiritually and emotionally. One such soul-care activity provided in Scripture is singing. When I “sing out the honor of His Name” during my pain (Psalm 66:2), it not only sends forth news of who He is, it releases tension from my jaw, face, and entire body. When my mind has spent days and nights absorbed by surrounding hardship, singing (even on my bed) (Psalm 149:5) provides a holy reset to my spent brain (Psalm 59:16-17). And when I’m so emotional I’ve practically forgotten all that God has already done for me through my salvation, I can sing until I’m content, grateful, and trustworthy to responsibly attend a feast with Him. In the place of stress and guilt, I can truly receive and enjoy His gifts of food and drink with thanksgiving.
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.