Submission: The Strange Solution to your Struggles
You have good reasons to be skeptical of people who are in a position of authority, but who may not be trustworthy. And it’s wise of you to request systems in authority to have checks and balances so authority is not misused. It’s even purposive that the self-protective human response to historical abuses of authority is to doubt the goodness of all authorities and to resist authority as much as possible. At the same time, however, if you fully embrace righteous authority into your personal choices, it changes your life for the better.
Definition of Authority
For the purposes of this article, authority is personal and positional. Authority is defined as submitting your thoughts, feelings, and desires so that you operate as lower than God and lower than another person who is in a role of holding you accountable.
If you reflect on seasons of life when you responded well to hard times, you’ll likely discover it’s because you were being accountable and submissive to authority. Conversely, if you or someone you know has a pattern in life of significantly struggling from one circumstance to another, you’ll often find inadequate submission to authority.
Why You Need This Submission
Submission to authority really works. In fact, the more you humble yourself to be lowly and manageable, the more peace you have.

Being submissive to pure authority makes men attractive and women beautiful. And that’s why the deceiving, evil ruler of this world works so hard to make authority seem repulsive. Without authority in your life, according to the first chapter of Titus, you could be aptly described as:
- An idle talker
- A deceiver
- One who subverts entire households
- A teacher of things you ought not teach
- Unsound in faith
- Disobedient and disqualified for good works
Protection from such sins is available to you. The Creator designed two-fold authority to give you His very best. First, submit yourself to the authority of God. Second, submit yourself to the authority of others you trust to hold you accountable.
Embracing the Authority of God
The Bible makes it clear that acknowledging your status in comparison to God’s divinity is helpful for all of life’s problems.
- You are small and unimportant. “Where were you when God laid the foundations of the earth?” (Job 38:4)
- You are helpless on your own to do good and to be good. (Psalm 14:3)
- It’s impossible to have wisdom if you’re a renegade who doesn’t submit to authority. (Job 28:12-13, Proverbs 3:5-7, Romans 12:16)
Embracing the Authority of Others
The world knows all people need others for basic human thriving, but God specially designed us to submit to authority in order to excel.
- To be submissive to authority is to be Christ-like. “…the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do. For whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” (John 5:19)
- Being under authority is the way to have true unity with God and His people. (Psalm 132-133, Malachi 2, Acts 4:32, Romans 8:17, Ephesians 4:6)
- Having submission to authority stuns a foolish world, gives God glory, connects you to Christ, makes you a wise, capable, loving person, leads to a happy marriage, and gives you an effective prayer life. (Proverbs 9, 11:14, 1 Peter 2:11-3:7)
How to Submit to Authority

The hope-filled solution is the same whether you’re struggling in just a few certain areas or if you would even describe your life as a complete mess. The strange solution is found by submitting to authority.
Practical Tips
The temptation of not wanting to submit to authority is a trap. Don’t be stubborn and reject human authority that God has given to you as a gift. For example, this means wives not succumbing to feminist lies that tell them it’s better to disrespect their husbands than to submit. And this means children not citing various social media messages as reasons to disobey their parents.
Pray for help so that you can submit to His authority first, and then be empowered to submit to any authority He places in your life.
- There are exceptions where some loved ones might be more willing to submit to human authority before they are willing to submit to Jesus. If someone you love is in this state of being, pray specifically for a person in authority to come and eventually lead them to Christ as ultimate authority.
- Additionally, it can be especially unappealing for strong and competent men and women to humble themselves to the feedback and direction of others. So it’s crucial to pray against pride and it’s destructive consequences.

Confess to someone that you’ve not wanted to submit to authority from God and man, and have been rebellious and prideful. Sincere confession gives you the strength from God needed for change.
Repent by placing yourself under divine and human authority and don’t allow yourself any further reasons for being outside of godly authority. If someone you asked to hold you accountable isn’t able to hold you accountable enough, stop everything you’re doing and immediately find someone else who can.
Give at least one person permission to have authority over you and to hold you accountable in order to grow in godliness. You’re never too old to submit, and it can even be to someone younger. And, don’t forget: for authority to actually hold you accountable, you must be actively submitting. To learn more about being accountable to another person, click here and here.

Don’t let Satan lure you back to a time when you rebelled against the authority of God and the ordained authority of others. Don’t forget how low he made you feel. Notice how you have more self-confidence when you’re accountable and submitted to authority.
Others will notice the changes in you when you surrender to trustworthy authority, and they will want the same benefits.
Prayer & Blessing
Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down with no walls. (Proverbs 25:28)
What’s Coming Next on this Blog
Next Saturday I will launch an 8-week series for students to help them have a productive summer! Topics will include: sleeping, eating, working, etc. and the influence of technology on all of it!
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.