Summer Series for Students: Image
As we continue to explore relevant topics for students this summer, consider the driving force behind the image you present. In other words, when you decide what to wear, how to look, and how to show yourself to the world – is it to fit in, to be trendy, to get attention, to hide, to be comfortable, or to buck norms? This summer, could the Holy Spirit be prompting a review of your motives when it comes to your image, and to reconsider them in light of His best for you?
The Truth about your Image
- Others may perceive your image very differently than how you intend, especially adults or those of the opposite sex. Being thoughtful with your personal style choices is a way to care about others.
- Even though it may feel like an oven outside, there are solutions to help you feel cool and comfortable while also dressing in an honorable manner.
- If you choose to have an active social media presence, don’t throw out the Lord’s values, such as humility and doing good to others. Focus more on your internal character than your external statement, and you’ll actually become more physically attractive (1 Peter 3:4). Ask a wise loved one, maybe your godmother or grandfather, which character traits they see in you and if they would pray for you as you pursue the beauty of Christ-likeness.
- Fashion that’s “in” doesn’t necessarily equate to good-looking clothing. Wearing ugly outfits can start to make you feel ugly and to present yourself in ugly ways. Are you honoring worldly fads more than honoring your body as the temple of the Holy Spirit and more than thinking of your body as belonging to Jesus?
- Not taking care of personal hygiene such as skin, teeth, and hair signifies a lack of well-being and the possibility of depression. A nail-biting habit could reveal an anxious habit or untreated anxiety. Your heavenly Father longs to pour His strength through some person or some plan to help you slowly, gently improve one habit at a time. Seek Him to provide help in the way you need. (Psalm 119, Philippians 4:19)
- Your words (both spoken and written) have the power to give you an angry, mean look or to make you have a face of kindness, warmth, radiance, and joy. Commit to thinking on Jesus and praising God throughout your day and notice the difference in how you look and feel. (Psalm 34:5,147:1, Proverbs 25:23; 31:26, Philippians 4:8)
- You become like those you spend time with. So, imagine a summer spending time with the Lord and what that would do for your image. Add in a few devoted, Jesus-following friends, and like Daniel and his friends, you’ll handsomely present yourself with excellence, wisdom and understanding that is out of this world. (Song of Solomon 1:8, 2:2; 4:1, Daniel 1:8-20).
Prayer & Blessing
Diligence is man’s precious possession (Prov. 13:27) and the Lord calls for honor. (Malachi 1:6, 14)
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.