
The Summer Before Leaving For College

The recent high school grads who are also ready to leave home for college this fall can find themselves trying to visualize what their life will look like in a couple of months. But, before thinking too far ahead, it’s a good idea to examine the needs of this summer first. Soon-to-be college students and their parents are facing emotions and tasks right now that could be overwhelming if not addressed. But there is good news! Having a good mindset and a little planning can make a big difference.

A Helpful Perspective

Parents are sometimes taken aback to realize that summertime can be challenging for students of all ages. Lack of routine and missing friends is always hard; but not knowing exactly what to expect on a college campus adds another level of concern and can cause a sense of not feeling in control. However, there is always good to be found in the midst of uncertainty.

  • Contemplating what may or may not be ahead brings fresh reminders that circumstances are never sure, but the promise of God’s comforting presence is guaranteed.
  • Waiting for final decisions to be made (such as scheduling and living arrangements) can give the benefit of increased patience in a world of instantaneous and grow the trust you place in God’s care of you.
  • Being content in the moment rather than fixated on the future is a good way to make memories with friends and family who are with you right now.

Getting Organized

  • Students and parents may want to create a family timeline for the summer so that you can plug into your schedule everything from shopping for bedding to attending online information sessions about class registration. This is less stressful and more efficient than trying to keep it all in your head. It allows everyone to see deadlines as well.
  • Discuss, rather than make assumptions about who will participate in each aspect of the timeline so that students and parents know what is expected of one another.
  • As you begin to gather what you will take with you to college, it will save a lot of time and trouble if you group like items together, keep a list of what you still need to obtain or what may be packed last-minute, and have the right containers for it all.
  • If being orderly is a challenge, ask one of your super organized friends or family members to help you, and turn it into a fun event.

Before Moving On

The goal of this article is to help you appreciate the gift of being present-minded and to encourage you to make a plan of tasks for this summer before preparing for a fall departure. You can start practicing that right away. Then, soon, you can expect a follow-up post that will address some deeper heart matters you may be experiencing now and anticipate dealing with in the near future.

The labor of the righteous leads to life. (Prov. 10:16)

With hope,


Jen Hughes Counseling_FAQ2

Jen Hughes

I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.

May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.
