
Understanding Cutting: A Powerful “Drug” Of This Generation

Cutting is an attempt to respond to serious problems and negative emotions, but is actually an irrational solution and addictive form of self-injury. Even though the act of cutting oneself is physically dangerous, someone who cuts is not necessarily suicidal. Rather, someone who cuts is inadequately dealing with emotional hardship either from pain or numbness or a combination of both.

The Root Problem Of Cutting

Emotional Chaos & Immaturity

Many young people today are not learning how to regulate their emotions, how to tolerate distress, how to cope with pain, or how to have healthy, expressive relationships. Additionally, young minds have struggled to be healthy in today’s culture and impaired thoughts can lead to troubling feelings. As a result, some of the people you know are desperate, and desperate people turn to quick relief, which cutting provides. For people who self-harm, there has been an incredible build-up of emotions not being properly dealt with, and as a result they feel that something must be done. They know it’s not the best choice, but it makes sense to them in the moment. It gives them distraction, control, and a reason to believe they are addressing emotion in some sort of way. Further, because it’s “working for them” in some way, they can lack motivation to change.

Spiritual Inexperience & Immaturity

Young believers know Christ offers salvation and peace. But they don’t always have the discernment to know their human weaknesses nor the discipleship and experience to know Him as the only living, perfect Friend and Father who can bring them comfort in the most grueling of situations.

The Appeal Of Cutting

It’s potent, habit-forming, and “it works.”  Just like any other “drug,” it feels good at the time – even producing a “high.” Also, this next generation “drug” has become incredibly popularized on the web and encouraged in peer groups.

How To Respond To Cutting

Have Compassion

It’s important to remember this is a fallen world and everyone is vulnerable to dysfunction. The next generation being susceptible to the influence of cutting is not a worse sin than the previous generation being tempted by something else. “If You, Lord, should mark iniquities…O Lord, who could stand?” (Ps. 130:3).

Pray Like This

  • That God would give supernatural strength to those who are cutting as they work through pain, poor mindsets, and hard circumstances.
  • That they would come to understand their blood is precious to Him (Ps. 72:14) and to know He shed His blood to cover all the sins threatening their well-being and to bring them close to Him (Eph. 2:13).
  • That they could discern lies from truth, take personal responsibility, be freed from living according to feelings and desires, know their belonging with Christ, and live and persevere according to their purpose.

Find Support For Them

  • Someone who has been cutting in secret needs a safe, approachable place and person to make that first step towards transparency.
  • They need healthy relationships (family, friends, and probably a counselor) to keep them accountable for managing their circumstances and emotions, to provide support during life’s challenges, and to teach them skills for better functioning.
  • Consider gifting them with this powerful mini-book called, Relief Without Cutting: Taking Your Negative Feelings to God by Amy Baker. Click here for link.
  • Help them make changes in their lifestyle, including being surrounded by a positive community. The Lord makes His covenant people to be a light, to release from prison those who sit in darkness. (Is. 42:6 & 7)

Point Them To Christ

Cutting is very powerful, but He is more powerful. The Lord will do a work in someone who cuts when they don’t try to take over and do all the work for themselves in their own strength. Overcoming cutting is not about willpower; it is about teamwork with the Body and empowerment that comes from being dependent upon the Lord.

With hope,


Jen Hughes Counseling_FAQ2

Jen Hughes

I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.

May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.

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