Using Psalm 91 for Comfort & Peace
If you’re looking for a comforting Bible passage, in this article you will find a list of ideas to help you go deep with Psalm 91. Choose from any of these exercises so that Psalm 91 can wash over you and minister to you today. And maybe continue working through the list throughout the week ahead.
Interacting With Psalm 91

*With journal and pen, search for all of God’s promises in Psalm 91 and write them down.
*Using Bible-safe highlighters, use one color to highlight verses spoken in first person (v. 1-2); another color for verses spoken to another party (v. 3-13), and a third color for verses spoken by God (v. 14-16).
*Rewrite verses 3-11 replacing “you” and “your” with “I” “me” or “my”.
*Find out how you’re called to prepare your heart for the Lord to soothe you in times of angst (v. 1, 2, 9, 14, 15).
*Read Psalm 91 with the life of Jesus in mind. What Scriptures about the Savior do some of these verses conjure up for you?
*Explore Philippians 4 alongside Psalm 91:2, maybe even writing out Psalm 91:2 as a heading for Philippians 4 in your Bible or journal.

*Find all the Names and attributes of God located in this one Psalm.
*Make a list of all the reasons Psalm 91 gives you to thank and praise God.
Even More Options
*Get out your favorite drawing tools and illustrate all the rich imagery in Psalm 91.
*Read 3-4 different Bible translations and consider memorizing your favorite one. Or merge several translations together to make your own amplified version.
*Write a song using the verses of Psalm 91.
*See how many businesses, public officials, friends, family, pastors, schools, health care workers, neighbors, upcoming events etc. you can pray for – while using Psalm 91 to put Biblical language to your concerns.
For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. (Psalm 91:11)
With hope,
Jen Hughes
I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.
May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.