daddy daughter

What Will Happen to Being a Daddy’s Girl?

It’s everywhere. Commercials, movies, retail. The trend now is for the girl to be the lead. And she’s usually displaying physical strength, sensuality, or attitude…or all three. Certainly, positive treatment of women is biblical and beneficial, but there are consequences to giving status to females that is outside of God’s original design. One such problem with the push for redefining the female gender is the precious daddy-daughter relationship being under-minded and in danger of becoming extinct.

Celebrating Daddy’s Girl

Give & Find Grace

Deep in her soul, most girls can sense that there is something unique about her relationship with her father. Of course, in this broken world, all fathers fail their daughters to one degree or another. Yes, the father-daughter relationship falls short of perfectly reflecting the love of the Heavenly Father for his child. But Abba-Father imprinted the father-daughter bond on families, and no matter how hard the Enemy and the world try to destroy it, His design peaks through all the imperfection. Pray for the grace to see it. And encourage His Fatherly way to be brought out in the father-daughter duos in your life.

And because you are (daughters), God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” (Gal. 4:6)

Encourage Submission

The world wants girls to believe they are so capable that they don’t need their daddies. Ask even the most courageous girls in the world if they’ve ever let their father defend them and how it felt. If they’re honest, they will tell you it’s amazing. And such a rescue directly points to the gospel.

Now my daughter…I will redeem you. (Ruth 3:11, 13, Amp.)

Guarding The Home

Don’t let the world’s messages creep into your family. Where possible, be a promoter of the sacredness of a father-daughter relationship and the father’s protector role, no matter how independent and accomplished his daughter may be. This glorifies God.

Glorious is the King’s daughter… (Ps. 45:13, Amp.)

With hope,


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Jen Hughes

I hope this blog article is a helpful resource for you as you draw closer to Jesus through various situations and seasons of your life.

May you discover the rich fulfillment and growth the Lord can bring even when, or especially when, life is most challenging.
